With throbbing of carotids and flushed face during cold, coryza and fever of any kind, sometimes in r. side only, agg. noise, jar, light, cold, evening and bending head forward, amel. closing eyes, pressure, wrapping.
Scutellaria laterifolia
Frontal headache r. sided with aching to eyeballs as if pressed outwards and, agg. rest and night.
Oreodaphne californica
Cervico occipital headache, nausea vomiting, colic, amel. in perfect quiet condition.
With flushed face and eye ball protruding-feeling, of throbbing and pulsating nature sometimes it is felt throughout the body, sometimes increases and decreases with the sun, agg. heat, motion, jar, bending head backward ; amel. open air, fanning, uncovering, pressure, bandaging head tightly.
Cactus grandiflorus
With a feeling of bandage about head, sensation of weight on vertex, of throbbing and pulsating nature, distended blood-vessels, returns at the same time (Ced. agg. l. side) agg. r. side amel. eating, amel. pressure.
Kalium carbonicum
With lumbago and dryness of hair, of stiching nature particularly in temples, yawning, one sided, agg. cold, open air, stooping, after midnight, morning; agg. raising the head.
Kalium bichromicum
With sore feeling on the scalp, feeling of fulness which extends to the root of nose and angle of eye, one sided, preceded by blurred vision (Gels, Iris., Lac D., Psor.) which is amel. when headache increases, agg. morning till noon, on waking in the morning.
Cannabis indica
With talkativeness and forgetfulness, of throbbing nature with shutting and opening feeling in brain (Cimic, Cocc. I) shocks in brain with shaking of head, heavy load feeling on head sometimes feeling as if cold water dropping on head, time and space seem long.
Melilotus alba
With flushed face, blood-shot eyes (Bell., Glon., Verat. V) and feeling of fulness all over head, of bursting and throbbing nature, retching and vomiting, sexual irritation (Plat.) agg. 9 A. M. till noon, afternoon, amel. copious urination, nose-bleed, menstrual flow, open air.
Nux vomica
With gastric derangement and feeling of chilliness, of bursting or tearing nature, retching with aversion to food, sometimes feels as if nail were driven in, agg. morning cold, eating, amel. rest and warm room.
Headache after tea, coffee or liquor.
Ignatia amara
With tearful disposition as a result of grief, of tearing and sticking nature, feels as if a nail were drive agg. from eye-strain and mental exertion, strong odour, liquor, stooping amel. changing position, lying on back and painful side.
Coffea cruda
With nervous exhaustion and sleeplessness, of tearing nature, feels as if a nail were driven in, agg. sleep, eating, morning, open air, amel. sitting quietly, in room.
Note:3/4Coffea headache is sometimes worse in and out room.
Thuja occidentalis
Often with sycotic history, one sided, feels as if nail were driven in, particularly in r. temple and root of nose, agg morning, evening, motion, amel open air, uncovering the head, perspiration, looking upward, bending head backward.
Agaricus emeticus
With desire to cover head warmly, pulsating and twitching in facial muscles, feels as if a nail were driven in or as if icy needles were piercing into head (Ars. A) (icy feeling in scalp with prostration3/4Ars. A.), sometimes the trouble extends to the root of nose, agg cold air, standing.
Anacardium orientale
With sexual irritation and irritability of mind, feels as if a plug or nail were driven in agg from exertion and excitement, amel by eating (Iod.).
Tarentula hispanica
With formication and restlessness, feels as if needles were piercing into brain, agg touch, strong light, amel rubbing.
Ranunculus bulbosus
With sleepiness, exhaustion and sense of enlargement of head, of bursting and pressing nature, agg from change of temperature either from cold to warm or from warm to cold.
China officinalis
(10 to 15 drops at a time), with flushed face of patients worn out from loss of animal fluids, of bursting and throbbing nature, pulsation in carotids, agg lying or sitting; amel walking or standing.
With increased appetite during attack and tendency to catch cold, of hammering, boring, pulsating and pressing nature, bandage feeling around head, agg change of weather, cold winds, stooping, moving the eyes, fast walking, amel eating, wrapping the head.
Mercurius iodatus ruber
With pain in bones of face, agg night.
Aloe socotrina
With heaviness in eyes compelling one to close them (Gels., Bry., Nux. M.) in those suffering from uterine or haemorrhoidal trouble, headache alternates with lumbago (alternates with gastralgia-Bism.), agg after stool (Nux. V). on every foot-step agg from cold applications.
Sticta pulmonaria
With pressure and fullness in forehead and at the root of nose, heat and soreness in eye-balls feels sometimes floating in the air (Asar., valer.) agg change of temperature, amel discharges.
Zincum metallicum
With fidgetiness in legs and confused dullness in mind after suppressed discharges or eruptions, of pressing, tearing, stupefying and drawing nature, agg in sides, amel by discharges and open air.
Platinum metallicum
With numb feeling here and there, creeping and cold sensation, changeable temperature3/4hot and cool, gay and grief alternately, pain increases and decreases gradually (Stan), agg evening in room, at rest, amel rubbing and open air.
Magnesium muriaticum
With roaring and numb feeling, sweating of head, constipation with accumulation of water in mouth (Nux. V), milk disagrees, of griping, squeezing and bursting nature; agg morning, open air, wrapping head warmly, pressure with hands.
With feeling of burning heat (Cup. sul., Apis., Alumina., Lach., Bell., Calc. C., Glon.), buzzing and roaring amel heaviness and fullness, great heat inn palms and soles, of burning and pressing and pulsating nature, agg noon, evening, night, amel open air, external pressure.
Asclepias cornuti
With obstinate constipation and copious urination, with increased specific gravity, feels as if a pointed instrument is pierced through one temple to the other, increased urine and perspiration follow headache.
Scutellaria laterifolia
(5 drops a dose)3/4 Frontal and at base of brain with dreams and frequent urination, aching in eye-balls, feels as if eyes are protruding. Agg right side, noise, odour, light amel night, sleep.
Allium cepa
With appearance of menses, agg evening, warm room, amel open air, when menses flow.
Viola odorata
With vertigo and burning in forehead (burning in vertex-Sul).
Solanum nigrum
(20 to 40 drops a dose) With severity inn hysterical and epileptic patients.
Rhamnus californica
With soreness and sensitiveness all over head, of bursting nature, in head, face and neck, constipation, agg evening, bending forward, with every step.
Lachesis mutus
With septic states, head and sensitiveness of the scalp, left sided, agg on awaking.
Cyclamen europaeum
With flickering before eyes in anaemic women, menstrual disorder, agg morning on waking, open air, amel indoors.
Polyporus pinicola
With pain in back, leg, ankle, agg 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Lobelia inflata
With perspiration, prostration and nausea, vomiting, from temple to temple (Asclep), agg afternoon to midnight.
With dizziness and coryza, of pressing nature; often right sided, agg from thinking intently or looking fixedly at one object, exertion or concentration (Epip., Onos., Mang,) amel pressure and lying.
Carbo animalis
With a feeling as if head is going to tear into pieces, agg night when lying down (Syph., Kali. i.) amel sitting up and hold it tightly.
Crocus sativus
With black stringy menstrual flow, of throbbing, pulsating nature, agg before, during and after flow.
Lilium tigrinum
With uterine and cardiac irritation, hot and wild feeling, amel open air.
With persistent nausea and violent vomiting, followed by sweats, agg morning till noon and subsides by sun-set amel open cold air.
Theridion curassavicum
Pain deep in brain, agg least sound and least motion of head.
Antimonium crudum
With milky white coated tongue, agg from the heat of the sun.
Hypericum perforatum
With feeling of soreness in eyes, feels as if lifted up high in the air, effects of fall (Arn., Bellis., Ruta).
Usnea barbata
(5 to 10 drops a dose)3/4 With throbbing in carotids, feels as if eyes will protrude and temples burst.
Note:3/4It is a remedy for neuralgic, periodical, congestive and sun-stroke headaches when Bell. and Glon. fail.
Guajacum officinale
Of rheumatic character (Benz. ac. offensive urine) spreading to face and neck.
Scutellaria laterifolia
Frontal headache, feels as if eyes pressed outward, agg. by noise, light, odor, amel. by rest and at night.
Asclepias cornuti
Feels as if nail or an instrument is being pierced from temple to temple.
Cereus bonplandii
Pain in head shooting through the globe of the eyes and orbits, pain in heart extending from shoulder to hands and fingers.
Cuprum aceticum
Violent throbbing and lancinating and stitching pain in forehead. cheek-bone, upper jaw, often protrudes and retracts tongue, amel. pressure and at night.,
Gentiana acaulis
Frontal headache, brain feels loose, amel. by eating and open air.
Headache with rush of blood to head, often on one side with desire to vomit, sometimes extending to teeth or neck, flatulence, amel. morning.
Epiphegus virginiana
Headache from temple, as if something pressing or priercing from out to inward, agg. from exertion.
Palladium metallicum
Headache from ear to ear across top of head often with uterine prolapse or swelling of r. ovary, tired feeling agg. exertion.
Ictodes foetida
Headache in spots with pulsation temporal arteries agg. in open air.
Primula veris
Headache with a feeling of a hand around head, and tense feeling on forehead and vertigo as if everything circling, amel. in open air.
Ustilago maydis
Aching in eye-balls with much lachrymation with nervous headache, often in females at climactric period or menstrual headache.
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