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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question of B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University


1.      Narrate about the scope of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.94, 99, 02, 04.
2.      For what type of Patients it is a constitutional remedy? – Discuss. 04
3.      Mentions its use in Neurosis of bones. 04
4.      What are the source of Homoeopathic Materia Medica? Discuss. 94, 99, 02.
5.      Discuss about the sources and various scopes of the Homoeopathic Materia medica. 06/20.

1.      Write modalities of Acid Mur. 04.
2.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Acid – mur. 06/7.
3.      Compare Acid – mur and Borax in stomatitis. 06/5


1.      Describe the use of Ailanthus in typhoid fever. 04.


1.      Mention 5 very important characteristic symptoms of Alfalfa.
2.      Discuss in short Alfalfa in weakness. 97, 04.
3.      Short note Alfalfa in health. 04.

Amylenum Nitrosum

1.      Short note of Amyl nit. 96.
2.      Write down the special symptoms of any five of Amyl nit. 98.


1.      “Asafoeteda acts on three special centers through the cerebro-spinal nervous system”---discuss. 03
2.      Describe the uses of asafoeteda and Fluoric acid on bone. 03
3.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Asafoetida. 05.
4.      Mention the uses of Asafoetida in Oedema. 05.
5.      Narrate the differences between Asafoetida and Dioscorea in stomach disease.95, 97, 00, 05.
6.      Describe the constitutional symptoms of Asafoetida. 98.


1.      Write about the skin disease and the symptoms related to the female genital organs of Bovista. 04.


1.      Write down the affinities of Bromium. Mention its characteristic symptoms. 03
2.      Write down its action on heart and respiratory system. 03.
3.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Bromium. 05.
4.      Describe the use of Bromium in goiter. 05.
5.      Compare the Bromium and Lorocerasus in asthma. 05.
6.      Discrobe the constitutional symptoms, asthmatic symptoms and modalities of Bromium. 94, 97, 00.
7.      Write five indicating symptoms of Bromium, 95, 98.
8.      Describe the symptoms of Bromium in Respiratory troubles. 95.
9.      Mention the modalities of Bromium. 95.


1.      Discuss the special features of Caladium. 03


1.      Write down the guiding symptoms of Cicuta virosa. 03
2.      Compare the cicuta virosa and Cuprum met. in convulsion. 03.
3.      Discuss the marking features and the leading indications of Cicuta virosa showing it as a pre-eminently a convulsive remedy. 05.


1.      Describe the Urinary symptoms and modalities of Clematis. 04


1.      “Coculus indica acts on motor nerves” -----discuss. 03, 06/4.
2.      Write down the guiding symptoms of Coculus indica. 03
3.      Coculus indica is a medicine of modern anxiety – explain. 04
4.      Write the modalities of coculus indica. 04
5.      Narrate the characteristic symptoms of Cocculus indica. 06/10.

1.      Compare about the pains of Colocynth and Dioscorea vill. 04.
2.      Write down the symptoms of Colocynth in colic. 06/6.

Dioscorea vill

1.      Describe the modalities of Dioscorea. 06/4.


1.      What do you mean by the electromagnetic force, which is active in the medicine Electyricitas? When and how is it useful for us? 05.


1.      Describe the guiding symptoms of Flouricum Aciditum. 04
2.      “Fluoric acid has strong destructive effects on the bones of the human body”—explain this statement. 05.
3.      Write down the characteristics of Fluoric acid. 06/8.

1.      Write down the rheumatic symptoms of Guaicum. 03


1.      Write down the use of Hydrocotyle in dlephantiasis and leprosy. 03


1.      Write down the use of Jatropha in diarrhoea. 03


1.      Write down the symptoms of Kali bromatum in brain weakness and female diseases. 04.
2.      Write down tho action of Kali – brom on respiratory system and modalities. 06/8.
3.      Write down the guiding symptoms with affinities. 06/8.


1.      Write about the symptoms related to the female genital organs of Lilium tig. 04.
2.      We know, Lilium tig is a very useful remedy for female patients. What is the usefulness? ---- Discuss. 05.
3.      Write down the guoding symptoms of Lilium tig. 06/8.

1.      Describe symptoms of skin disease of Mezereum. 04.
2.      “Mezereum is the vegetable analogue of Mercury and these two remedies act as antidote to one another also”--- Justify this statement by discussing the features of Mezereum. 05.


1.      Write down the guiding symptoms of Nitric Acid. 04.
2.      Draw a constitutional pen picture and write down the red line symptoms of it. 96, 98.
3.      On what miasm acid nit. And why it is called as a chief remedy of that miasm? 96, 98, 00.
4.      Briefly discuss nitric acid in haemorrhoids. 97.
5.      Write about the skin symptoms, mental symptoms and modalities of acid nitricum. 94.


1.      Write modalities of Penicillium. 04


1.      How can the Penicillin be used in the field of homoeopathic treatment?”--- Discuss. 05.
2.      Describe the mental & skin symptoms of Penicillinum. 06/5.
3.      Show Penicillinum is a good remedy in eye troubles. 06/5.
4.      Write down the use of Penicillinum in respiratory affection. 06/5.
5.      Discuss about the action of Penicillinum in Miasmatic factor. 06/5.


1.      Describe the symptoms of Psorinum in heart disease and rheumatic fever. 03
2.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Psorinum. 03
3.      Write modalities of Psorinum 04.
4.      Dr. J.B. Bell says, “Whether medicine derived from filth of purest gold, our gratitude for its excellent service to cure” ----- discuss about Psorinum in this point of view. 05.


1.      “As the days are passing the field of application of Radium bromide is expanding”—Comment upon it discussing this remedy. 05.


1.      “Sabadilla works well in worm infestation”--- explain. 03


1.      Write down the guiding symptoms of Selenium. 04, 06/8.
2.      Discuss the action of selenium of genitor urinary organs. 04
3.      Describe its affinities and modalities. 04


1.      Write down the use of Sanguinaria can. in headache. 03, 06/4.
2.      Sanguinaria can. is called a right sided medicine --- explain. 04


1.      Describe the guiding symptoms and constipation of Sanicula. 04.
2.      Write down the constitutional symptoms of Sanicula. 06/4.
3.      Describe the use of Sanicula in skin and constipation. 06/6.
4.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Snicula. 06/10.


1.      Mention the tubercular symptoms and special features of Teucrium m.v. which are frequently observed in the patients. 05.


1.      What is the source of Urtica urence? 03
2.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Urtica urence. 03


1.      Write down the characteristic symptoms of Wquisetum. 03


1.      Write short notes about the use of X-ray. 04
2.      “X-ray may be an excellent remedy now a day”--- Justify this statement mentioning its guiding symptoms. 05.


1.   Iberis. 03
2.   Justicia. 03
3.   Lorocerasus. 03
4.   Naphthalene. 03
5.   Colocyanth in pain. 04
6.   Clematis in urinary trebles. 04.
7.   Guaiacum in rheumatism. 06.
8.   Sabadilla in worm. 06.
9.   Colocynth in colic. 06.

10. Alfalfa in ill health.04
11. Insulin in Diabetes. 04
12. Coculus indica in anxiety. 05.
13. Justicia in cough. 05.
14. Dioscorea in pain. 05.
15. Equisetum in kidney diseases. 05.
16. Hydrocotyle in elephantiasis. 06.
17. Sanguinaria in right sided affection. 06

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