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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question of final professional B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University



1.     What do you mean by Acute Disease? Narrate the cause of Acute Disease? 95, 97, 04/7.
2.     Write the difference between Acute and Chronic Disease. 94, 97, 04/8
3.     What is ment by Acute and Chronic disease in Homeopathic and Allopathic point of view? 99, 02/7
4.     What are the necessities of making difference between Acute and Chronic disease? 00/8


1.     Write difference between True and False Chronic Disease? 97, 02, 04/7
2.     Describe Chronic Disease. 03/7.
3.     Define chronic disease. Mention the causes of chronic diseases. 05/7.
4.     How nature of Chronic disease were discovered in Hahnemann research. 96, 00, 03, 05/8.
5.     Discuss about doctrine of Hahnemann’s Chronic disease. 94, 00, 01, 02/8.
6.     What do you mean by Chronic disease? 94, 98, 01/5.
7.     Describe causes of Chronic diseases. 98, 00, 01/7.
8.     Why it is difficult to treat medicinal Chronic disease? 00, 01/5.
9.     Write definition and classification of Chronic disease? 00/8.
10. Discuss Psora is the root of all Chronic disease. 98
11. Define Real and False Chronic disease. 94, 97.
12. What are the differences between True Chronic and Inappropriately called Chronic disease? 96
13. Write in brief about treatment of True and Inappropriately called Chronic disease? 96.
14. What are the causes of Real and False Chronic disease? 95
15. What is diet? Based on Dr. Hahnemann’s discussion write about the diet and regiment of patient suffering from Chronic disease. 99, 01


1.     What is Miasm? Classify it. 95, 00 02, 04/7.
2.     When and how different Miasms are mixed with one another? 00, 02, 04/6.
3.     What are the causes of suppression of Miasm? What is necessity acquiring knowledge about Chronic Miasm? 02, 04/8
4.     What is mixed Miasm? Describe with treatment with example. 95, 97, 99, 01, 04/8.
5.     Describe causes of Miasm? 00/5
6.     Difference between Miasmatic theory and Bacterial theory. 95, 97.
7.     Describe the treatment of mixed Miasm disease. 94, 97.
8.     Write down the name of some diseases produced from mixed Miasm. 94.
9.     How will you diagnose a case through miasmatic conception and analysis of it? 05/8.


1.     What do you mean by Psora? Write primary manifestation of Psora. 04/8.
2.     Discuss Psora is root of all Chronic disease. 04/7
3.     Psora produce susceptibility explains. 95, 97, 03/10.
4.     Write the full name of six deep and long acting Antipsoric medicine. 03/5.
5.     What is called Pseudopsora and Scrofula? 01, 03/7.
6.     How Pseudopsora and Scrofula diathesis are formed? 03/8
7.     What is Pseudopsora? Write of Pseudopsora.94, 98, 01.
8.     Justify the doctrine of Psora according to Hahnemann. 99, 02/8.
9.     Discuss the symptoms of skin disease of Psora. 02/5
10. Write down the symptoms of latent Psora.97, 98, 02/5
11. Mental symptoms of child. 02/5.
12. Describe the effect of suppressed Psoric disease. 94, 95, 02/7.
13. Write the important symptoms of suppressed Psora. 96, 00/8.
14. Narrate the different steps of suppression of Psoric disease with example. 97.
15. Write 20 medicines of Pseudopsora. 96.
16. Write symptoms of Psora on relation to desire and aversion. 96.
17. What do you mean by suppression of disease in Homeopathic point of view? 95.
18. Discuss various steps of suppression of Psoric disease. 95, 97.
19. Write down the desire and aversion of food of Psoric patient.96, 01, 05/7.


1.     Characteristic of Sycotic patient. Write abdominal symptoms of Sycotic patient. 04/7.
2.     Define Sycosis. Write mental symptoms of Sycosis. 03/9.
3.     Write physical and mental symptoms of child acquired by Sycotic parents. 00/5.
4.     Write name of 5 common Antisycotic medicines. 00/5.
5.     Gonorrhea is not Sycosis discuss. 96, 98.
6.     What is Sycosis? 96, 98, 01.
7.     How is sycosis formed from gonorrhea? Describe the main mental symptoms of sycosis. 05/8.


1.     Describe bones and skin of Syphilitic patient. 04/8.
2.     What is called Antisyphilitic medicine and when it is used? 04/7.
3.     What are prognosis of Syphilis and which parts are affected by it? 03/5.
4.     What do you understand Syphilis. 02/5
5.     What is the main indication and characteristics of Syphilis? 96, 97, 00/7.
6.     What is Cancer? 98.
7.     Write constitutional symptoms of Cancer. 95, 98.
8.     Describe destructive process of Syphilis on nerves, bone, and blood. 95, 05/7.
9.     Why do the syphilis and the gonorrhea are called venereal disease? 05/7.
10. Describe the main characteristic symptoms of syphilitic miasm. 05/8


1.     How tubercular diatheses formed. 04/7.
2.     Describe basis of Tuberculosis. 03/5.
3.     Describe characteristics of eruption upon scalp on Tuberculosis. 03/5.
4.     What do you mean Tubercular Miasm? 96, 01, 04/5
5.     Characteristic symptoms of Tubercular child. 01/5
6.     What is Tuberculosis in Homoeopathic point of view? 95, 96, 98.
7.     What is importance of tubercular diathesis in treatment of Chronic disease? 95, 98.
8.     Give background of Tubercular Miasm. 96.
9.     Describe the characteristic symptoms of a tubercular patient. 05/8.


1.     Write down the characteristics symptoms of Psora and syphilis. 02/10.
2.     Differentiate between Pseudopsora and syphilis with example. 95.
3.     What are the symptoms of skin diseases of real Psora, syphilis and Sycosis? 95, 05/8.
4.     Write symptoms of Psora and Sycosis to nose and smell. 96, 00/7.
5.     Comparative study of Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. 99, 00, 03/8.
6.     Psora is result of evil rinking, Sycosis and Syphilis are the results of evil action explain. 95, 98, 01, 03/7.
7.     Describe characteristic symptoms of Psora, Sycosis and syphilis. 98, 02/10.
8.     Difference between Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis.
9.     Difference between Gonorrhea and Sycosis. 94, 97, 01, 03/6.
10. How does Psora, Sycosis, Syphilis, Tubercular form on skin. 99.
11. Write down the symptoms of psora and sycosis in relation to tongue and taste. 05/8.
12.                        Define psora, syphilis and sycosis and describe their bases. 05/7.
13. Discuss the initial expressions and symptoms of psora, syphilis and sycosis. 05/8.


1.     What do you mean by Scrofula? 01.
2.     How Scrofula disease is formed.
3.     Write down the leading symptoms of Scrofula. 01, 05/7.


1.     What do you understand Deflect Current? Discuss about it. 02, 04/5.
2.     What is diet? Write diet and regimen in Chronic disease. 99, 01/15
3.     What are the different steps of Deflect Current to cure patient. 91


1.     Describe about pathology in Homoeopathic point of view. 03/5.
2.     Describe relation between Bacteria and Pathology. 03/10.
3.     Discuss relation between Germ and Pathology. 99, 01/7.
4.     Write importance of pathological test in Homoeopathy, 99, 01/8.
5.     What do you mean Bacteria and Virus? 98.
6.     Describe relation of Bacteria and Virus with pathology. 98.
7.     How will you establish the relation of bacteria and virus with miasm? 05/7.


1.     How curable and incurable disease are ascertained. 96, 01/7.
2.     Discuss about treatment of suppression disease. 00/5.
3.     What do you know about second prescription? 94.
4.     What is the importance of pathological treatment in Homoeopathic system of medicine? 01.


1.     Susceptibility. 96, 00, 04
2.     Bacteria and pathology. 04
3.     Scrofula. 04
4.     Consumption. 03, 04
5.     Antisycotic medicine. 04
6.     Deflect current. 98, 00, 03
7.     Mixed miasm. 03
8.     H/o miasm. 02
9.     Tb and scrofula. 02
10. Vital force. 99, 01
11. Miasm. 94, 96, 97, 01
12. Suppressed disease. 01
13. Bacteriology in relation to homoeopathy. 94
14. Diet of chronic disease. 01
15. Pseudopsora. 96, 00, 05.
16. Tb. 99
17. Inappropriately named chronic disease. 97, 99
18. Real chronic disease. 98
19. Sycosis. 95, 98
20. Syphilis. 96
21. Gonorrhea. 96
22. Strauma. 95, 98
23. Medicine of psoric patient. 95
24. Mental symptoms of syphilis. 94.
25. Sporadic disease. 05.
26. Treatment of mixed miasmatic affections. 05.

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