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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question of final professional B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University


1.      Define surgery. 97.
2.      Write down the fields of surgery in homoeopathic medical science. 99.
3.      What are the aims and objects of surgery in Homoeopathy? 97.
4.      What are the differences between homoeopathic and allopathic conception of surgery? 97.

1.      Define haemorrhage? 98, 01, 04.
2.      Mention the different types of haemorrhage? 98, 01 04.
3.      How can you assess the clinical condition of a patient suffering from haemorrhage? 98.
4.      Write down the management of haemorrhage. 04.

1.      Define shock. 95, 98, 00, 01.
2.      What are the types of shock? 00, 01.
3.      What are the causes of shock? 95.
4.      What are the clinical features of shock? 00, 01.
5.      Describe the management of the shock. 98.
6.      Describe the management of hypovolaemic shock. 01


1.      Define sepsis? 06
2.      What is Blood? 06
3.      What are the indications of blood transfusion? 98, 02, 05. 06
4.      What are the hazards / complication of blood transfusion? 96, 99, 01, 05.
5.      Name some viral disease / disease transmitted by blood transfusion. 00, 02.
6.      Write the clinical features of a patient with blood transfusion. What measures will you take immediately? 01.
7.      What are the measures will you take before blood transfusion? 05.
8.      Write down the precaution and contraindication of blood transfusion? 06
9.      What is universal donar and recipent? 06
10.  Write down the sign symptoms of mis-matched blood transfusion? 06


1.      What are the indications of surgery in head injury? 98.
2.      Describe in short the complications of head injury. 98.
3.      Describe the management of a patient of chest injury. 00.


1.      What are the difference between burn and scald? 98, 00, 02.
2.      How do you estimate the extent of burn in a burn patient? Or describe the Rule of nine. 95, 98, 00. 06
3.      What are the complications of burn? 00, 02.
4.      Describe the management of burns. 95.

1.      Define abscess, cellulites, boil, and carbuncle. 00.
2.      Define gangrene. 00.
3.      what is the different between dry and moist gangrene? 00, 02.
4.      What are the aetiological features of burgers disease? How you manage and treat a case of burgers disease? 00.


1.      Define sterilization; Mention its types. 96, 99. 01.
2.      What are the different methods if sterilization. 96, 01.
3.      How will you sterilize a knife, clothes and sponge holding forceps? Between autoclaving and boil. 01.


1.      Define fracture of bone. 98.
2.      Classify / type of fracture. Or state the radiological classification of fracture. 96, 99, 00, 01, 02.
3.      Write in brief the clinical features and diagnosis of fracture. 98.
4.      Give an outline of the treatment of fracture. 98.
5.      Describe the management of an open fracture in lower limb. 96.
6.      Write down the management of closed type fracture of femur. 99.
7.      Mention the (immediate) complications of fracture. 99, 02, 05.
8.      Describe the causes of non-union and delayed union. 05.
9.      Describe the factors influencing the healing of fracture. 05.
10.  Write down the management of compound fracture. 05.
11.  State some factors responsible for delayed and nonunion of fracture. 01, 05.
12.  Mention the management of supra condylar fracture. 02.
13.  Write down the aetiology and sign / symptoms of acute osteomyelitis. 02
14.  Write down the laboratory investigation and management of acute osteomyelitis. 02.
15.  Describe the management of collies fracture. 99.
16.  What are the difference between fracture and dislocation? 99.
17.  What are the different causes of dislocation of bones of the limbs? How to manage it. 97.
18.  Describe the pathology of osteomyelitis. 04.
19.  Describe the investigations and complication of acute osteomyelitis. 04.
20.  Describe the clinical features and treatment of pyogenic chronic osteomyelitis. 04.
21.  Classify fracture of bone. Describe the healing of fracture of bone. 04.
22.  Describe the local treatment of fracture. 04.
23.  Write down the clinical features and treatment and complications of supracondylar fracture of humerus. 04.
24.  What is bone tumor? Classify it. 05. 06
25.  Describe the common sites and pathology of osteosarcoma. 05 .06
26.  Describe the clinical features and treatment of osteosarcoma. 05.
27.  Describe the clinical feature and common site of metastasis of osteosarcoma? 06
28.  Write down the signs, symptoms and management of bone fracture. 03.
29.  Write down the mechanism and clinical features of the fracture of shaft of the femur. 03.
30.  Write down the complications of collies fracture. 03.
31.  What are the causes of disc prolapsed of vertebral column? Write down its management. 03.
32.  Write down the causes and pathology of acute osteomylitis. 03.
33.  Write down the signs, symptoms and treatment of acute osteomyelitis. 03.


1.      What are differences between benign and malignant tumor. 02.
2.      Define neoplasm. What are the different modes of spread of cancer? 02.
3.      Name different parts of nervous system. 97.
4.      How to treat a case of brain tumor? What are the different types of brain tumors? 97.


1.      Write the clinical feature of acute breast abscess. 02.
2.      Classify breast tumors. 94.
3.      Write down the classification of breast cancer? 06
4.      What are the stages of breast cancer? 01.
5.      Mention the different mode of spread of breast cancer. 00.
6.      What are the cardinal sign of breast cancer? Describe the clinical features of breast cancer. 94, 01, 02.
7.      Write down the laboratory diagnosis of breast cancer. Or what are the investigations you have to do the diagnosis a case of breast cancer? 01, 02, 03.06
8.      Write the causes of abnormal discharge from the nipple. 00.
9.      Describe the fibro adenoma of the breast. 98.
10.  Discuss the treatment of breast cancer. 94, 96, 03.
11.  Write down the complications of breast cancer. 03.
12.  Define carcinoma. 04.
13.  What are the primary and secondary sites of metastasis? 04.
14.  Write down the management of carcinoma breast. 04.


1.      What are the sites of peptic ulcer? 96, 03.
2.      What do you mean by peptic ulcer? 03.
3.      Describe the aetiology of peptic ulcer. 98.
4.      What are the clinical features of peptic ulcer? 99, 04.
5.      What are the investigations to be done to diagnose peptic ulcer. 98.
6.      Describe the complications of peptic ulcer.(chronic)98, 04.06
7.      Write down the management of peptic ulcer perforation. 04.
8.      Describe the different stages of clinical features of peptic ulcer perforation. 98.
9.      What are the abdominal findings of a patient of peptic ulcer perforation? 96.
10.  What are the indications of surgery of peptic ulcer? 99.
11.  What are the complications of peptic ulcer surgery? 99.
12.  Describe the aetiology of gastric ulcer.
13.  Describe the signs and treatment of gastric ulcer.
14.  Write down the clinical features of duodenal ulcer. 99, 03.
15.  Describe the clinical features of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 95, 96.
16.  Mention the investigation of duodenal ulcer. 99.
17.  Write down the causes and pathology of chronic duodenal ulcer. 03, 05. 06
18.  Write down the clinical features and investigations of chronic duodenal ulcer. 05.
19.  Write down the clinical features and treatment of pyloric stenosis. 05.06
20.  Mention the differences between the clinical features of duodenal and gastric ulcer. 03.
21.  Write down the treatment and complications of chronic duodenal ulcer.03.
22.  Write down the clinical feature and pathology of PUD? 06


1.      Numerate the aetiology and clinical features of acute pancreatitis. 02.
2.      Write down the management of acute pancreatitis. 02.
3.      Clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. 02, 06

1.      Classify cholelithiasis. 99.
2.      What do you mean by cholecystitis? 99.
3.      How will you diagnose a case of acute cholecystitis? 97, 99.
4.      Describe the clinical features of acute cholecystitis. 94, 03.06
5.      Mention the pathology of acute cholecystitis. 03.
6.      What are the routine pre – anesthetic investigations to be done before cholecystectomy operation? 01.
7.      What are the effects and complications of gall bladder stone? 99, 01.
8.      Write down the sign / symptoms of gallstones. 05.
9.      Describe the investigations of gallstones. 05.
10.  Write down the surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. 05.
11.  Write down the causes and treatment of gallstone. 03.
12.  How will you differentiate acute cholecystitis from acute duodenal ulcer? 06


1.      What are the causes of renal obstruction?


1.      Define intestinal obstruction? Mention their types. 94, 05.
2.      Describe its pathology. 05.
3.      What are the causes of intestinal obstructions? 96, 01.
4.      Describe the clinical features of intestinal obstruction. 98.
5.      How to treat and manage a case of intestinal obstruction? 94, 96.
6.      Describe the clinical features and investigations of acute intestinal obstruction. 05.
7.      Write down the differences between the clinical features of large intestinal obstruction and small intestinal obstruction. 05.

1.      Write down the different anatomical positions of appendix? 97.
2.      What do you mean by acute appendicitis? 99.
3.      How you diagnose and treat a case of acute appendicitis. 00, 02, 03
4.      Describe the clinical features of acute appendicitis. 97, 02, 03. 06
5.      Cause of acute appendicitis. 03.
6.      What do you mean by appendicular mass? Write its treatment. 03.
7.      Describe the treatment of appendicular lump.
8.      How you will differentiate acute appendicitis from UTI? 06
9.      Write down the investigation and specific treatment of acute appendicitis? 06
10.  What are the complication of acute of appendicitis? 06


1.      What are the causes of bleeding per rectum? 94, 98.
2.      What are the causes of haematemesis and melaena? 97.
3.      What is a haemorrhoid? What are the types? Write down the complications. 97.
4.      Define fistula. Describe on short about types and treatment of fistula. 00.
5.      Define sinus and fistula. Mention at best eight causes for the persistence of fistula in ano. 95.


1.      Describe the causes of obstructive jaundice. 97.
2.      Describe the clinical features of obstructive jaundice. 97.

1.      What is hernia? Classify hernia. 98, 00, 04 .06
2.      What are the complications of a hernia? 95, 97.
3.      Give the clinical features of strangulated inguinal hernia. 00, 04,
4.      How you will you treat such a case? 00, 04
5.      Write in brief the clinical feature of indirect inguinal hernia. 98, 04.
6.      Write down the treatment of indirect inguinal hernia. 98.


1.      What is epistaxis? Describe its cause? 97.
2.      What do you know about atrophic rhinitis?
3.      Describe in short the causes and pathology of bronchogenic carcinoma. 04.
4.      Describe the clinical features of bronchogenic carcinoma. 04.
5.       Describe the investigations and treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma. 04.
6.      Write down the management of lung cancer? 06


1.      What is pneumothorax? Mention its causes with classification. 02.
2.      How will a patient with open type pneumothorax present to you? 01.
3.      Describe the clinical features and management of tension pneumothorax. 98.
4.      Define pneumothorax. Write down its causes and pathology. 03, 05.
5.      Write down the clinical features of pneumothorax. 03, 05.
6.      Write down the investigations and treatment of pneumothorax. 03, 05.
7.      Write down the management of lung cancer. 03.


1.      Write down the causes of nasal polyp. 02.
2.      Classify nasal polyp and its management. 95, 96, 02.
3.      Describe its clinical features. 98.
4.      Mention the causes of sinusitis and management. 02.
5.      What are the causes of nasal septum deviation? 01.
6.      How will a patient with DNS present to you? 01.
7.      Describe the clinical feature and treatment of DNS. 96.
8.      Write the complication such a case. 01.


1.      What is tracheostomy? What are the indications of tracheostomy? 94, 96.
2.      What are the postoperative complaints of tracheostomy? 94.
3.      What are the causes of tonsillitis? Mention its types. 99.
4.      Write down the clinical features of acute tonsillitis. 94, 99.
5.      Motion the treatment of chronic tonsillitis. 99.
6.      What are the complications of recurrent tonsillitis? 96.
7.      What are the complications of tonsillectomy? 98.
8.      Write down the difference between follicular tonsillitis and faucial diphtheria. 96, 97.
9.      What is dysphagia? Describe the causes of dysphagia.
10.  What are the causes of hoarseness of voice?
11.  What are the causes of thyroid swelling? Investigation you will in case of thyroid swelling? 06

1.      Describe the signs of chronic supportive otitis media?
2.      What are the complications of chronic supportive otitis media?
3.      Describe its treatment.


Wound. 04.
Scald. 04.
Gangrene. 04.
Abscess. 04.06
Cellulitis. 06
Berger's disease.06
Lump. 04.
Shock. 03.
Haemorrhoid. 05.
Burn. 05.
Osteomyelitis. 05.
Blood transfusion. 03.
Sterilization 03.
Pneumothorax. 06
Breast Abscess. 06

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