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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question of final professional B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University



2.     Discuss its scope. 00/10;
3.     Define psychology. 00. 01/5. 05. 06
4.     Describe the uses of psychology in the treatment of Homoeopathy. 01/15.
5.     Define psychology and psychoanalysis. 02/10.
6.     Define psychology. Describe the necessity of studying psychology. 03/10; 04/10; 05/10.
      6.   Write down the necessity of studying of the psychology in Homoeopathic treatment. 04. 05
7.   Discuss the scope and importance of psychology in Homeopathic treatment? 06/15


1.     Discuss the use of psychoanalysis in the treatment of mental illness. 00/10.
2.     Describe about the necessity and area of activities of psychoanalysis. 02/10.
3.     What is psychoanalysis? Is there any relationship between psychoanalysis and clinical psychology? ------ Discuss. 03/10; 05/10.
4.     What is psycho-somatic disorder? Write its causation? 06/8
5.     Write down the symptoms of psychosomatic disorder? 06/6
6.     Write down the management of psychosomatic disorder? 06/6
7.     What do you mean by psychosomatic disorder? describe two important psychosomatic disorder with example? 05/10
8.     Describe the development of libido? 05/10


1.     Classify mental symptoms. 03/5.
2.     Define mental retardation. 00/10. 04/5.03/5.06/8
3.     Describe the causes and treatment of mental retardation. 00/10.03/5.
4.     What are the causes of mental retardation? 04/5.
5.     Describe the classification and treatment of mental retardation. 00/10. 04/10.06/12
6.     Define memory. Write the different factors of memory? 05/10


1.     What do mean by introverted and extroverted personality? 00/4.
2.     Difference between introverted and extroverted personality. 00/12.
3.     Narrate the role of social environment for the development of personality. 00/6.
4.     What is personality? 01/5. 02/5.05
5.     Classify personality. 01/7. 02/5. 05/10.
6.     Describe the characteristics of personality. 01/8. 02/10. 05/10.
7.     Define behavior. Write the classification of abnormal behavior? 06/10
8.     What are the differences between normal and abnormal behavior? 06/10




1.     What is schizophrenia? 01/5.
2.     Give the classification of its. 01/7.
3.     Write down the causes of its. 01/8.
4.     What are the distinctive features of schizophrenia? 03/10. 05/10.
5.     Discuss briefly the different types and causes of schizophrenia. 03/10. 05/10


1.     What is Hypnotism? 00/7.
2.     What do you mean by hypnotism? 00/3.
3.     Elucidate different types of hypnotism for psychic treatment. 00/7.
4.     Discuss the limitation of hypnotism for psychiatric treatment. 00/8.
5.     Write down the brief history of Hypnotism. Discuss the importance of it in psychotherapy. 03/14.
6.     What do you mean by hypnotism? Discuss the importance of it in psychotherapy. 05/10.


1.     What are the general characteristics of neurosis? 00/10.
2.     Distinguish between neurosis and psychosis. 00/10.
3.     What are the difference between neurosis and psychosis? 02; 04; 06
4.   What do you mean by conscious, preconscious and unconscious condition? 06/10
5.   Describe the general effec of alcoholism and drug addiction and their managment? 05/10


1.     Define emotion. 01/5. . 02/10. 04.
2.     Describe the difference between emotion and feeling. 01/7.
3.     Describe the physical changes during emotion. 01/8.02/10. 04.
4.     Narrate about the causes and symptoms of emotional disorder. 02/10.
5.     What is thinking? Explain the different stages of thinking with example? 05.  06/13
6.     Describe the difference between thinking and feeling? 06/7
7.     What is the relationship between the mind and health? 06/8
8.     Discuss the relationship of disease with human behavior? 06/12
9.     What is dream? what do you mean by day dream? 05/10
10.What is sentiment? describe the different kinds of sentiment? 05/10


1.  Mania.00
2.  Melancholy.00
3.  Delinquent behavior.00
4.  Psychotherapy.00
5.  Hallucination.00
6.  Measurement of personality.00
7.  Psychosis.01
8.  Egocentricity.01
9.  Mesmerism01
10.          Psychoanalysis.01
11.          Introspection.01
12.          Alcoholism.01
13.          Hypnotism.02, 03, 04.
14.          Mental Health.02, 03.
15.          Clinical Psychology.04
16.          Organic disorder.04
17.          Intelligence.04
18.          Hebephrenic type.04
19.         Mental retardation.05
20.          Emotional disorder.05
21.          Relation between mind and body.05
22.         Phobic reaction.05
23.          Drug addiction.02, 03.
24.          Psychoneurosis.02, 03.
25.          Schizophrenia.02, 03.
26.         Stimulus and response. 06
27.          Psycho-somatic disorder. 06
28.          Brain disorder 06

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