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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Question of final professional B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University



1.      What is philosophy? 00,
2.      What do you mean by philosophy? State its aims & objectives. 03.
3.      Discuss the need and importance of homoeopathic philosophy in view of Dr. Hahnemann. 03, 04.
4.      “The out look of science fragment and philosophy is supreme” – Explain. 01
5.      What is Homoeopathic Philosophy? Narrate the importance of Philosophy in Homoeopathic treatment. 02
6.      Discuss the position of Homoeopathy in modern philosophy. 00
7.      Discuss about philosophy and science. 01. 06
8.      Explain the nature of Homoeopathic Philosophy. 01. 06
9.      Define Philosophy. Write in brief about the school of Philosophy to which Homoeopathy belongs. 04.
10.  Define homoeopathic philosophy. Describe the role of homoeopathic philosophy in treating the patient. 05.
11.  Write down the differences between science and philosophy. 05.
12.  Describe in brief the subject matter and scope of Homoeopathic philosophy. 05
13.  What is materialism? Differentiate between materialism and idealism. In which theory has Hahnemann been assigned to be and why? 01, 03.
14.  What do you mean by deflected current? Briefly discuss deflected current. 00
15.  What is deflected current? Discuss it in detail in the light of homoeopathic philosophy. 03.


1.      Write down the behavior of doctor to a patient. 00
2.      Write down the code of Homoeopathic Ethics. 01
3.      Discuss the contribution of Hippocrates in the history of Medicine. Write down the main points of his Oath. 02
4.      What do you mean by inductive and deductive method? Describe the importance of inductive method in the establishment of Homoeopathic laws. 02, 04. 06/10
5.      Define principles and opinion and show their difference. Discuss the sources of principle of Homoeopathy. 02, 05. 06/10
6.      To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction – Explain the use of this theory in Homoeopathic Philosophy. 02, 04.06/10   
7.      Discuss any two fundamental principle of Homoeopathy. 01


1.      “We treat the patient not the diseases” – Explain. 00
2.      “Treat the patient not the disease” – Explain it with discussion the relation between disease and patient. Is disease annihilated by the removal of the totality of symptoms? 02, 04
3.      What do you mean by dose? Explain the theory of action of minimum dose. 01
4.      The universal law of cure is “Similia Similibus Curenter” – Discuss. 01, 05.
5.      “Homoeopathy is the only natural system of medical treatment” – Explain. 01
6.      What do you mean by disease resistance and susceptibility? 00, 02.
7.      What are the processes of removing susceptibility? 02.
8.      “Similar repels and dissimilar attracts”----- Explain the use of this theory in homoeopathic philosophy. 03.

1.      What do you mean by vital force? 03, 05.
2.      Mention the role of vital force in health, disease and cure. 03, 05
3.      How can you ascertain that the patient is approaching towards cure? 03
4.      Why does the single remedy administer at a time? ---- Explain. 03.
5.      What do you mean by anamnesis and diagnosis? Show their differences. 04.
6.      Give a clear conception of disease and medicine in the light of Homoeopathy. 04
7.      What is the Homoeopathic conception of disease? How the knowledge of medicine is acquired? 04


1.      What is potentization? Mention the differences between potency and dose. 03.
2.      Define potentization of medicine. State the philosophy interpretations of necessity of potentization of Medicine. 02, 05.
3.      Describe Homoeopathic drug and remedy. 00
4.      Describe the history of drugs proving on healthy human body. 00, 05.
5.      Mentions the philosophy of drug proving on healthy human body. Why drug proving is so essential and one not done in sick condition? 02, 04. 06
6.      Discuss the importance of drug proving. 04.
7.      How dynamization of drug is properly explained in Homoeopathy? 02, 04.
8.      Define posology. Describe the importance of applying minimum dose in homoeopathy. 03
9.      Describe homoeopathic drug, medicine and remedy.      03.
10.  What is alternative dose? Explain the necessity of application of alternative dose. 05.


1.      Describe the characteristics of actual symptoms. 00
2.      Explain the necessity of totality of symptoms. 00
3.      What do you mean by symptoms? Classify symptoms. Symptoms are the language of disease – Explain. 02
4.      What do you mean by totality of symptoms? Discuss its importance in selecting a remedy. Evaluate the specific symptoms. 01. 06
5.      Differentiate between subjective and objective symptoms. 03.
6.      What is totality of symptoms? Prove that if the totality of symptoms is removed the disease is cured. 05.
7.      What do you mean by second prescription? What are the points on which importance should be given in second prescription? 05
8.      What do you mean by value of symptoms? what kind of are helpul to select a remedy? discuss. 06/10


1.      Distinguish between arts and science. 00
2.      “Homoeopathy is a science and an art” – Explain. 00
3.      “Homoeopathy is an art of healing” – Explain. 01
4.      Discuss the order of cure. 01
5.      What is the role of vital force in maintaining health? – Discuss. 00
6.      Describe the role of vital force in immunity. 00
7.      What is science? Discuss if Homoeopathy is a scientific method of treatment. 04.
8.      What is an art? Why Homoeopathy is called an art of Healing? 04.
9.      What is disease force? Describe the difference between the action of disease force and medicinal force? 06/10
10.  Discuss about the conception of disease and medicine? 06/10
11.  Describe the law of causal effect of connection? 06/10
12.  Describe the importance of idioscyncracy in Homeopathy? 06/10
13.  What are the topics for actual curing of disease a physician should know? 06/10


1.      Explain Hahnemann’s works from materialistic, idealistic and vitalistic point of view. 02
2.      What do you mean by idealism? Discuss the works of Dr. Hahnemann from the idealistic point of view. 02. 06/10
3.      What is called substantialism? 01
4.      Mention the difference between substantialism and materialism? 01
5.      Explain the idea of Hahnemann about materialism, vitalism and spiritualism. 04.
6.      What do you mean by materialism and idealism? Prove that Dr. Hahnemann was a substantialist. 05.


1.      Discuss in brief the contribution of Hahnemann in the history of medicine. 01, 04
2.      Write in brief the contribution the Abu Sina in the history of medicine. 01
3.      Write down the clear conception of life, health and diseases written by Hahnemann. Does it differs from other’s philosophy and conception. 02. 06/10
4.      Write in short the treatment philosophy of Galen and Paracelsus. 03
5.      Mention Dr. Hahnemann’s philosophic interpretations against the use of more than one medicine at a time. 05.


1.   Ideal cure. 01, 05.
2.   Law of causal effect connection. 02, 03, 05.
3.   Drug proving. 03, 05.
4.   Inimical remedy.00, 05.
5.   Materialism and Substantialism. 02, 04.
6.   Individualization of Patients. 04.
7.   Natural low of cure. 03, 04.06
8.   Minimum dose and altered dose. 02, 04.
9.   Explanation of principle and opinion. 04.
10. Immunity. 03.06
11. Second prescription. 01, 03. 06
12. Code of Homoeopathic Ethics. 02.
13. Totality of symptoms. 02.
14. Suppression. 00, 02.06
15. Palliation. 01.
16. Examination of patient. 00, 01
17. Basis principle. 01.
18. Vital force. 00.
19. Single remedy. 00.
20. Idealism and substantialism. 00.
21. Prognosis. 01, 03.06
22. Case taking 06

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